"The requested action was prohibited because it would have caused the networking library to establish a connection to an unsafe or otherwise banned port.",
/*NS_ERROR_NET_RESET*/ generateNetFailure(20),
"The connection was established, but no data was ever received.",
/* 2 */ calIWcapErrors.WCAP_LOGIN_OK_DEFAULT_CALENDAR_NOT_FOUND, "login.wcap was successful, but the default calendar for this user was not found. A new default calendar set to the userid was created.",
/* 3 */ NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG, "No WCAP error code.",
/* 4 */ NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG, "No WCAP error code.",
/* 5 */ NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG, "No WCAP error code.",
/* 25 */ calIWcapErrors.WCAP_CREATECALENDAR_ALREADY_EXISTS_FAILED, "The command createcalendar.wcap failed. A calendar with that name already exists in the database.",
/* 31 */ calIWcapErrors.WCAP_CANNOT_MODIFY_LINKED_EVENTS, "storeevents.wcap failed. The event to modify was a linked event.",
/* 32 */ calIWcapErrors.WCAP_CANNOT_MODIFY_LINKED_TODOS, "storetodos.wcap failed. The todo to modify was a linked todo.",
/* 33 */ calIWcapErrors.WCAP_CANNOT_SENT_EMAIL, "Command failed. Email notification failed. Usually caused by the server not being properly configured to send email. This can occur in storeevents.wcap, storetodos.wcap, deleteevents_by_id.wcap, deletetodos_by_id.wcap.",
/* 34 */ calIWcapErrors.WCAP_CALENDAR_DISABLED, "Command failed. The calendar is disabled in the database.",
/* 35 */ calIWcapErrors.WCAP_WRITE_IMPORT_FAILED, "Import failed when writing files to the server.",
/* 40 */ calIWcapErrors.WCAP_STORE_FAILED_DOUBLE_BOOKED, "If double booking is not allowed in this calendar, storeevents.wcap fails with this error when attempting to store an event in a time slot that was already filled.",
/* 43 */ calIWcapErrors.WCAP_ATTENDEE_GROUP_EXPANSION_CLIPPED, "An LDAP group being expanded was too large and exceeded the maximum number allowed in an expansion. The expansion stopped at the specified maximum limit. The maximum limit defaults to 200. To change the maximum limit, set the server configuration preference calstore.group.attendee.maxsize.",
/* 44 */ calIWcapErrors.WCAP_USERPREFS_ACCESS_DENIED, "Either the server does not allow this administrator access to get or modify user preferences, or the requester is not an administrator.",
/* 45 */ calIWcapErrors.WCAP_NOT_ALLOWED_TO_REQUEST_PUBLISH, "The requester was not an organizer of the event, and, therefore, is not allowed to edit the component using the PUBLISH or REQUEST method.",
/* 46 */ calIWcapErrors.WCAP_INSUFFICIENT_PARAMETERS, "The caller tried to invoke verifyevents_by_ids.wcap, or verifytodos_by_ids.wcap with insufficient arguments (mismatched number of uidÆs and ridÆs).",
/* 47 */ calIWcapErrors.WCAP_MUSTBEOWNER_OPERATION, "The user needs to be an owner or co-owner of the calendar in questions to complete this operation. (Probably related to private or confidential component.)",
/* 48 */ calIWcapErrors.WCAP_DWP_CONNECTION_FAILED, "GSE scheduling engine failed to make connection to DWP.",
/* 49 */ calIWcapErrors.WCAP_DWP_MAX_CONNECTION_REACHED, "Reached the maximum number of connections. When some of the connections are freed, users can successfully connect. Same as error 11001.",
/* 50 */ calIWcapErrors.WCAP_DWP_CANNOT_RESOLVE_CALENDAR, "Front end canÆt resolve to a particular back end. Same as error 11002.",
/* 51 */ calIWcapErrors.WCAP_DWP_BAD_DATA, "Generic response. Check all DWP servers. One might be down. Same as error 11003.",
/* 52 */ calIWcapErrors.WCAP_BAD_COMMAND, "The command sent in was not recognized. This is an internal only error code. It should not appear in the error logs.",
/* 53 */ calIWcapErrors.WCAP_NOT_FOUND, "Returned for all errors from a write to the Berkeley DB. This is an internal only error code. It should not appear in the error logs.",
/* 54 */ calIWcapErrors.WCAP_WRITE_IMPORT_CANT_EXPAND_CALID, "CanÆt expand calid when importing file.",
/* 55 */ calIWcapErrors.WCAP_GETTIME_FAILED, "Get server time failed.",
/* 57 */ calIWcapErrors.WCAP_FETCH_DELETEDCOMPONENTS_PARTIAL_RESULT, "Success but partial result.",
/* 58 */ calIWcapErrors.WCAP_WCAP_NO_SUCH_FORMAT, "Returned in any of the commands when supplied fmt-out is not a supported format.",
/* 59 */ calIWcapErrors.WCAP_COMPONENT_NOT_FOUND, "Returned when a fetch or delete is attempted that does not exist.",
/* 60 */ calIWcapErrors.WCAP_BAD_ARGUMENTS, "Currently used when attendee or organizer specified does not have a valid email address.",
/* 61 */ calIWcapErrors.WCAP_GET_USERPREFS_FAILED, "get_userprefs.wcap failed. The following error conditions returns error code 61: LDAP access denied, no results found, LDAP limit exceeded, LDAP connection failed.",
/* 62 */ calIWcapErrors.WCAP_WCAP_MODIFY_NO_EVENT, "storeevents.wcap issued with storetype set to 2 (WCAP_STORE_TYPE_MODIFY) and the event doesn\Æt exist.",
/* 63 */ calIWcapErrors.WCAP_WCAP_CREATE_EXISTS, "storeevents.wcap issued with storetype set to 1 (WCAP_STORE_TYPE_CREATE) and the event already exists.",
/* 64 */ calIWcapErrors.WCAP_WCAP_MODIFY_CANT_MAKE_COPY, "storevents.wcap issued and copy of event failed during processing.",
/* 65 */ calIWcapErrors.WCAP_STORE_FAILED_RECUR_SKIP, "One instance of a recurring event skips over another.",
/* 66 */ calIWcapErrors.WCAP_STORE_FAILED_RECUR_SAMEDAY, "Two instances of a recurring event canÆt occur on the same day.",
/* 67 */ calIWcapErrors.WCAP_BAD_ORG_ARGUMENTS, "Bad organizer arguments. orgCalid or orgEmail must be passed if any other \"org\" parameter is sent. That is, orgUID canÆt be sent alone on a storeevents.wcap or a storetodos.wcao command if it is trying about to \"create\" the event or task. Note, if no \"org\" information is passed, the organizer defaults to the calid being passed with the command.",
/* 68 */ calIWcapErrors.WCAP_STORE_FAILED_RECUR_PRIVACY, "Error returned if you try to change the privacy or transparency of a single instance in a recurring series.",
/* 69 */ calIWcapErrors.WCAP_LDAP_ERROR, "For get_calprops.wcap, when there is an error is getting LDAP derived token values (X-S1CS-CALPROPS-FB-INCLUDE, X-S1CS-CALPROPS-COMMON-NAME).",
/* 70 */ calIWcapErrors.WCAP_GET_INVITE_COUNT_FAILED, "Error in getting invite count (for get_calprops.wcap and fetchcomponents_by_range.wcap commands).",
/* 75 */ calIWcapErrors.WCAP_ANONYMOUS_NOT_ALLOWED, "Command cannot be executed as anonymous. Used only for list.wcap, list_subscribed.wcap, subscribe.wcap, and unsubscribe.wcap commands.",
/* 76 */ calIWcapErrors.WCAP_ACCESS_DENIED, "Generated if a non-administrator user tries to read or set the calendar-owned list or the calendar-subscribed list of some other user, or if the option is not turned on in the server.",
/* 77 */ calIWcapErrors.WCAP_BAD_IMPORT_ARGUMENTS, "Incorrect parameter received by import.wcap.",
/* 78 */ calIWcapErrors.WCAP_READONLY_DATABASE, "Database is in read-only mode (returned for all attempts to write to the database).",
/* 79 */ calIWcapErrors.WCAP_ATTENDEE_NOT_ALLOWED_TO_REQUEST_ON_MODIFY, "Attendee is not allowed to modify an event with method=request.",
/* 80 */ calIWcapErrors.WCAP_TRANSP_RESOURCE_NOT_ALLOWED, "Resources do not permit the transparency parameter.",
/* 81 */ calIWcapErrors.WCAP_RECURRING_COMPONENT_NOT_FOUND, "Recurring component not found. Only happens when recurring=1 is passed in by fetch commands. This code is returned if part of the recurring series (either the master or an exception) is missing.",
/* new by WCAP 4.0: */
/* 82 */ calIWcapErrors.WCAP_BAD_MIME_TYPE,
"The mime headers supplied while storing the attachment using storeevents.wcap/storetodos.wcap is malformatted.",
/* 83 */ calIWcapErrors.WCAP_MISSING_BOUNDARY,
"While supplying attachments to the storeveents/storetodos commands the mime boundary was not found.",
/* 84 */ calIWcapErrors.WCAP_INVALID_ATTACHMENT,
"The attachment supplied to be stored on the server is malformatted.",
"The attachent requested to be fetched or deleted from the server was not found.",
/* / new by WCAP 4.0 */
/* 88 */ NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG, "No WCAP error code.",
/* 89 */ NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG, "No WCAP error code.",
/* 90 */ NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG, "No WCAP error code.",
/* 91 */ NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG, "No WCAP error code.",
/* 92 */ NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG, "No WCAP error code.",
/* 93 */ NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG, "No WCAP error code.",
/* 94 */ NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG, "No WCAP error code.",
/* 95 */ NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG, "No WCAP error code.",
/* 96 */ NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG, "No WCAP error code.",
/* 97 */ NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG, "No WCAP error code.",
/* 98 */ NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG, "No WCAP error code.",
/* 99 */ NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG, "No WCAP error code.",
/* 11000 */ calIWcapErrors.WCAP_CDWP_ERR_MAX_CONNECTION_REACHED, "Maximum connections to back-end database reached. As connections are freed up, users can connect to the back-end.",
/* 11001 */ calIWcapErrors.WCAP_CDWP_ERR_CANNOT_CONNECT, "Cannot connect to back-end server. Back-end machine might be down or DWP server is not up and running.",
/* 11002 */ calIWcapErrors.WCAP_CDWP_ERR_CANNOT_RESOLVE_CALENDAR, "Front-end canÆt resolve calendar to a particular back-end server.",
/* 11003 */ calIWcapErrors.WCAP_CDWP_ERR_BAD_DATA, "Bad data received from DWP connection. This is a generic formatting error. Check all DWP servers. One might be down.",
/* 11004 */ calIWcapErrors.WCAP_CDWP_ERR_DWPHOST_CTX_DOES_NOT_EXIST, "For the back-end host, context doesn\Æt exist in the context table.",
/* 11005 */ calIWcapErrors.WCAP_CDWP_ERR_HOSTNAME_NOT_RESOLVABLE, "DNS or NIS files, or hostname resolver is not set up properly or machine does not exist.",
/* 11006 */ calIWcapErrors.WCAP_CDWP_ERR_NO_DATA, "No data was received from reading the calendar properties from the DWP connection.",